會員論壇 - Suggestions on revisions of the New Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) (2016年2月4日)

Since the effective date of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) in March 2014, members noted that there may be some provisions that are difficult to comply and failure in compliance may result in severe penalties and/or even imprisonment.


We are organizing a forum to solicit views and recommendations from our members, so that we can send in a submission to the Companies Registry to provide a wish list for amendments to the Companies Ordinance asap. Your views and experience are important. Please join us on 4 February or send us your suggestions!


If you are unavailable to attend the forum, please click here to submit your views, or send us your suggestions in writing by email to info@scaacpa.org.hk or elaw@lawcpa.com.hk attention to Ms Elizabeth Law.




Council Member and Past President of SCAA

Member of Joint Government/HKICPA Companies Ordinance Review Working Group (2004-2008)


日期: 2016年2月4日 (星期四)

時間: 晚上06:30 – 08:00

場地: 香港華人會計師公會 (香港灣仔駱克道88號6樓)

語言: 廣東話

CPD 時數: 1.5小時

費用: 費用全免 (只限華師會員及附屬會員參加)

報名: 以先到先得形式接受報名,如欲報名請按此