網絡研討會 - (課程編號 4923) An Experienced User’s Sharing Session: CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement – An Innovative Audit Solution to Support Your Firm’s Digital Transformation Journey
Code 4923 (27 Nov 2023)

As CPA firms continue to evolve and need to run their firm and complete work as efficiently as possible, firms that consistently deliver quality audit outcomes and have a better-quality management process will stay ahead of the curve to deliver higher-quality work to your clients.


Don’t miss our latest webinar on 27 November to explore industry-leading strategies for automating and improving the quality of the audit process.


In this webinar, Mr. Ken Fan, Managing Director of Linkpath CPA Limited, as an experienced user of digital solutions, Ken will share his view on how digital solutions can support his firm to increase productivity and improve the overall quality of audit engagements. 


Mr. Charlie Chan, Senior Product Manager; and Mr. Samuel Tsang, Solutions Manager of Wolters Kluwer, will also take you through the digital solutions for CPA firms, including the Audit Practice Manual Integrated CCH® ProSystem® fx Engagement and CCH® iFirm that can support your audit engagements and quality management system and help to comply with the new HKSQM standard.


If your firm is looking to implement audit solutions or practice management technologies as part of your digital transformation strategy, this webinar is for you.


Don’t miss the post-event lucky draw, which includes the following:

1.  1st Prize x 1: Complimentary CCH® ProSystem® fx Engagement License x 3 (Valued up to HK$36,000*)

2.  2nd Prize x 2: Complimentary Hong Kong Master Tax Guide 2023/24 31st Edition OR Hong Kong Master GAAP Guide 2023 17th Edition (choose one title, valued up to HK$1,380)

*Terms & conditions apply. For details, please contact Wolters Kluwer.




Mr. Ken Fan

LLM, MBA, MSc (Accountancy), FCCA,
FCMA, FTIHK, FCPA (Aust.), CTA (HK), FCPA Practicing

Managing Director at Linkpath CPA Limited


Mr. Fan has over 30 years’ post-qualification professional experience in auditing, accounting and financial management. He had worked as qualified accountant, the authorized representative, financial controller and company secretary in companies listed in HKEx. He then started his own CPA business and becomes owner and managing director of Linkpath CPA Limited.


Mr. Fan obtained a master of science’s degree in accountancy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a master’s degree in law and a master’s degree in business administration (with merit in banking) from University of London.  He is a student of doctor of business administration of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  He is an adjunct lecturer of HKUSPACE teaching international tax, Hong Kong tax, UK and Australian tax planning.


He is a certified public accountant (practising) and certified tax adviser.  He has been a fellow member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and CPA Australia.

Mr. Charlie Chan

Senior Product Manager, Tax & Accounting

Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited

Charlie is the Senior Product Manager, Tax & Accounting of Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited. He oversees the development of the Tax & Accounting digital solutions and the content development strategies with a focus on Tax, Accounting, Legal and Company Secretarial Practice. He has extensive experience in advising professional bodies in content development and digitalization.


Charlie has a combination of over 10 years of experience in the accounting industry and the technology industry.

Mr. Samuel Tsang

Solutions Manager, CCH Professional Accounting Software

Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited

Mr Tsang is the Solutions Manager of Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited and is responsible for the Professional Accounting Software Solutions. He has extensive experience in advising CPA Firms in Hong Kong to digitalize their practice with Wolters Kluwer’s Expert Solutions for Accountants (i.e., CCH ® ProSystem ® fx Engagement, iFirm etc.).

Mr Tsang has over 15 years of experience in the technology industry and business process outsourcing (BPO).

06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
1.5 小時
正式會員* HK $150
附屬會員 HK $150
學生會員 HK $150
正式會員之僱員 HK $150
非會員 HK $250