Accountants, WeCare (12 June 2024) |
Dear Members and Affiliates,
Accountants, WeCare (12 June 2024)
(SCAA is one of the organizers)
Nowadays, members are facing increasing stress and anxieties. The following accounting associations are joining hands once again to present 2024 Accountants, WeCare stress management sessions for accountants to learn how to enhance our own well-being and performance and/or those of our friends and families.
壓力,變得愈益常見,對我們的生活影響甚深。了解並掌握壓力的來源,刻不容緩!今年,以下會計師專業團體再次携手合辦會計師減壓持續進修課程,全新系列 WeCare 為同儕加加油、鬆一鬆,寓減壓於學習。讓我們一起成為更自信、更美好的自己!
Topic 題目: | 在工作壓力下,如何維繫婚姻家庭? |
Speaker 講員: | Dr. Shine Ho Ph.D (Psy), M.Phil (Psy), B.A. (Psy), RSW 何敏儀博士 輔導心理學家,心理學博士,註冊社工 |
Date 日期: | 2024 年 6 月 12 日(星期三) |
Time 時間: | 19:00-21:00 |
Language 語言: | Cantonese廣東話 |
Mode 形式: | Zoom webinar (以 Zoom* 進行網上講座) |
Fee 費用: | Free of charge for members or students of Organizers and Co-organizers 主辦及協辦機構的成員或學生免費 |
CPD Hours CPD 時數: | 2 Hours |
Enrollment 報名: | Please click to enroll 報名請按此鏈結 |
Confirmation email or rejection email will be sent to you 3 working days before the webinar.
For any inquiries, please email to or call 9305 9551 (Elsa Hung) or 2522 7605 (Elizabeth Law).
如欲查詢,請電郵至 或致電 Elsa 9305 9551或 Elizabeth 2522 7605 。
Further information can be obtained from the attached flyer.